• About our school

        • The Business Academy in Nitra was established in 1919 as a state institution and since then a large number of students has been educated at this school. Presently, 400 students attend this institution. The school prepares them for their future professions in administration, banking, marketing, insurance companies, tax offices etc. Plenty of successful students continue in their studies at universities.


          The school’s defined role is to provide education leading to the matriculation exam and entry to university, to provide vocational education, particularly in the business and administration fields. The strategic vision of the school is to apply new culture of study by using innovative methods, effective and modern approaches, developing students´ personalities regarding their key competences as well as assuring and maintaining the high level of qualification of teachers via participating in international projects. The priority is implementing CLIL approach in vocational education. The process of education is also aimed at personal development, awareness of European values, multicultural aspects and democracy.


          The educational process at school includes a lot of activities, programmes and projects. School has its own European development plan and strategy of internationalisation that consider common European requirements as well as bringing international environment inside institution. Since 2007 the school has been involved in international projects every year. We have had experience with strategic partnership projects and with vocational training and educational projects. We act as a sending and hosting institution for students and teachers from European countries (Malta, Portugal, Turkey, Scotland, Finland). In 2015 we became a holder of the VET Mobility Charter due to the quality of our projects. The European development plan of the school for the period 2015- 2020 included a number of learning activities for students and also for teachers to perform job shadowing activities and teaching assignments in partner schools abroad to get as much experience with innovating teaching methods as possible. We have Erasmus accreditation for the period 2021- 2027 in the VET sector. Due to development of these activities we create our own network of school partnerships. As a result of these activities we have launched e-learning, videoconferences as a part of everyday education. We created our own CLIL methodology which is being implemented successfully. School management makes effort to make the school more ecological and replace a number of documents with electronic form. They also use democratic approach to all involved sides that creates a very pleasant atmosphere at school.


          Great attention is paid to foreign languages. Students study 2 foreign languages, English and German or Russian. Teachers improve their foreign language skills in internal English courses. This approach was awarded by the European Language Label in 2018. Enforcement of graduates is supported by cooperation with local and international companies and employers. The school has been active in developing dual education and new study programmes reflecting demands of the labour market.